Conceived and directed by Channing Tatum, MAGIC MIKE LIVE is an unforgettably fun night of sizzling, 360-degree entertainment based on the hit movies. It’s hot. It’s hilarious.
In the Theatre at The Hippodrome Casino
Main Responsibilities;
- Deputising for LX 1 when required.
- Keeping up the daily running of the department with support from LX 3.
- Complete daily rig checks and correct any issues that appear during the checks.
- Weekly rig maintenance with fixture cleaning and dealing with any issues and faults.
- Completing regular ‘BlackTrax’ calibrations alongside ensuring the Video Line up is kept neat.
- Ensure the ‘BlackTrax’ stringers are all working and securely fitted to the costumes.
- Monitor ‘BlackTrax’, Video and Lighting rig during the show to ensure it performs as it should.